Production Switchboard
4th Floor, 10-12 Bourlet Close, Fitzrovia, London, W1W 7BR

Garcia Sterling

Floor Runner

Welcome welcome! I'm sure I am the production assistant you're looking for !

I have spent the last few years building up from being an in-house intern/runner to an in-house Production Assistant and now, I'm currently enjoying myself as a freelancer. I pride myself on continuously honing my skills to learn and work affectively, not only to just help me individually but the team I'm a part of.

Born & raised in London, I take pride in having the skillset to work amongst others from different backgrounds and cultures. Being from a diverse city, one of my main goals is to be an example in helping present and work on pushing the diverse representation of this city within my workspaces.

I enjoy working on a range of productions, ranging from music videos, commercials, social media campaigns etc.

Selected credits