Cecilia Lacombe O'Flynn


Available as a:
3rd AD
Floor Runner

Brand: Nike x Patta

Title: The Wave
Production company: Lammas Park
Agency: NA
Director: Mahaneela
My Role: On-Set PA

Brand: Issey Cross

Title: M40 (Love Me Now)
Production company: Dazed Studio & Universal Music
My Role: 2nd AD

Brand: Nike

Title: Nike x Aya Nakamura
Production company: Kode Media
My Role: 3rd AD / French Translator
Additional Information: Cecilia was 3rd AD & Director's Interpreter (French/English) on set, as well as the French & English Translator/Subtitlor of this content

Brand: Ralph Lauren

Title: Wimbledon Tennis Tournament 2021
Production company: Octopus
My Role: Runner/Trainee AD

Brand: Alexa Chung

Title: Prom Gone Wrong (Paris Fashion Week)
Production company: My Beautiful City
My Role: French Junior Event Producer
Additional Information: Cecilia was the French-speaking Junior Event Producer for Alexa Chung's immersive fashion show shown at Paris Fashion Week

Brand: Armani

Title: Armani SS18 Fashion Show (London Fashion Week)
Production company: OBO Global
My Role: Italian Production Assistant
Additional Information: Cecilia was an Italian-speaking Production Assistant on the Armani SS18 Show for London Fashion Week

Brand: Killing Eve

Title: Season II, Ep 5 & 6
Production company: BBC / Sid Gentle
Director: Francesca Gregorini
My Role: Floor Runner / Trainee AD
Additional Information: Cecilia was a Floor Runner (Daily) on the shoot of Killing Eve, Eps 5 & 6, Season 2