Title: HyperMotion Begins Production company: Private Island Producer: Amalia Rosen-Rowlings My Role: Production Manager
Brand: Under Armour
Title: Train What’s Under the Armour Production company: UKFIXER.COM Producer: Jasen Grindrod (LONDON) & Jeff Pangman (USA) My Role: Production Manager
Brand: Legoland
Title: Mythica Production company: CANADA Agency: NOW Producer: Amalia Rosen-Rawlings My Role: Production Manager
Brand: IWC
Title: Lewis Hamilton in "I Am a Big Pilot" Director: Julius Krappe Producer: Mavreen Brown My Role: Producer
Brand: Dettol Wipes
Title: Hot Date TVC Production company: Dirty Films Agency: McCann Director: Christopher Hill Producer: Mavreen Brown My Role: Producer
Brand: Asics
Title: Blackout Track Production company: Unit9 Films Agency: Edelman Deportivo Director: Greg & Jacob Producer: Mavreen Brown My Role: Agency Producer
Brand: Mick Jagger
Title: England Lost Production company: Black Sheep Studios Director: Saam Farahmand Producer: Amber Millington My Role: Production Manager
Brand: Twinings Tea
Title: The Moment of Change Production company: KO Media & UK Fixer Producer: Haiyong Pan & Jasen Grindrod My Role: Line Producer